Outfit Of The Yesterday: La La Leopard (& the H&M Boucle Coat + J Crew Harper Flats, Too)

A quick outfit from last weekend & nothing too fancy. I live in hats in the winter–it’s the perfect time to give my hair a (much needed!) break. In other words: I’m hiding about a good inch of silver-y gray roots right now, shhhh. Getting old! So (not) much fun.
Have a great weekend, you guys!
Hat: Eugenia Kim, old (similar here) (similar under $100) (similar under $100)
Coat: H&M Boucle Coat (buy it here, on sale) (similar under $50) (similar here*)
Top: H&M, old (similar here*) (similar here + take 50% off)
Jeans: AEO Denim X Hi-Rise Jeggings, old (similar here*) (similar here*)
Bra: Victoria’s Secret (buy it here*) (similar here*)
Ring: Michael Kors Tortoise Barrel Ring (buy it here)
Shoes: J Crew Harper Collection Flats (buy them here*) (similar under $100)
Bag: Prada (buy it here) (similar here) (similar under $50)
*Don’t forget! If you’re looking to purchase any of these items make sure to check The Daily List of Deals for coupon codes & sales for these retailers, too!